Friday, September 5, 2008

The race for the world's oldest mother

It is customary for a woman's fecundity to end with menopause. Thanks to recent advances in assisted reproductive technology there seems to be a new trend, having babies long after God intended you to. IVF was developed for mothers who were having trouble conceiving. Try telling that to mother of 10 children and 20 grandchildren, Janise Wulf, who delivered a baby boy through IVF at age 62.

Maria del Carmen Bousada de Lara of Spain delivered twins at the age of 66, Cheryl Tiegs had twins at 52, Geena Davis twins at 48 and let's not forget the 66-year-old unmarried Romanian professor, Adriana Iliescu, who gave birth to a baby girl after using sperm from an anonymous donor. When Adriana Iliescu's daughter enters high school she will be 80 years old.

Ethically, shouldn't there be a collective age limit for both parents of 130 to ensure that these children are taken care of, especially in the instances where there are no siblings? Single parents over the age of 45 should not even consider IVF treatment. In countries where an age limit has been imposed and women are leaving for Vietnam or Russia to receive IVF treatments, some kind of penalty should be imposed!

This is just fucking sick!!!!!.....
World's oldest mother gives birth to twins at 70

Grandmother Omkari Panwar has given birth to twins at the age of 70. She was utterly determined to have a son. To pay for the IVF treatment vital to producing a male heir to the family's smallholdings, the retired farmer sold his buffalos, mortgaged his land, spent his life savings and took out a credit card loan.
And it all paid off when Mrs Panwar gave birth to twins - a boy and girl. The Panwars already have two adult daughters, and five grandchildren, but the latest arrivals are what they have been waiting for - not least because a son will benefit from a dowry when he marries and will be able to work their land.

Proud parents:
Omkari Panwar, 70, with her husband

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Eight-year-olds seek divorce?

Two eight year-old girls, one in Yemen and the other in Saudi Arabia, made headlines this past year by seeking divorces.

Some Arab deviants argue that early marriage curbs sexual precocity in little girls and thus child marriage is to their benefit. Children are not naturally precocious. Pedophiles rouse dormant innate sexual feelings (which they instinctively sense to be there) and us it to their advantage. It is as if abuse awakens desires and behaviours which otherwise would have lain dormant until puberty.

Not only are these children being taught that they have to dispense sexual favours in order to receive affection, but they are also being deprived of a childhood and a valuable education. The likelihood of them attending a school after the marriage has been consumated is non-existent. Their prospective husbands had to cough up a sizeable dowry in order to have the privilege of wedding an innocent child, they are hardly likely to spend more money on education, especially in a culture where and educated woman is seen as a threat rather than an asset.Their days will be spent learning how to keep a child molester satisfied in order to avoid beatings instead of studying geography and mathematics with their peers.

If he is not happy with her performance as a wife, he will simply divorce her. What does an eight-year-old child know about the duties of a wife? It is not uncommon for a lot of victims of these child marriages to end up divorced three times at the young age of 20, with children, unable to find another husband because of their "reputation". Without an education their futures look bleek.

This from the Yemen Times:
SANA’A, April 9 - An eight-year-old girl decided last week to go the Sana’a West Court to prosecute her father, who forced her to marry a 30-year-old man.Nojoud Muhammed Nasser arrived at court by herself on Wednesday, April 2, looking for a judge to handle her case against her father, Muhammed Nasser, who forced her two months ago to marry Faez Ali Thamer, a man 22 years her senior.
The child also asked for a divorce, accusing her husband of sexual and domestic abuse. According to Yemeni law, Nojoud cannot prosecute, as she is underage. However, court judge Muhammed Al-Qathi heard her complaint and subsequently ordered the arrests of both her father and husband.
“My father beat me and told me that I must marry this man, and if I did not, I would be raped and no law and no sheikh in this country would help me. I refused but I couldn’t stop the marriage,” Nojoud Nasser told the Yemen Times. “I asked and begged my mother, father, and aunt to help me to get divorced. They answered, ‘We can do nothing. If you want you can go to court by yourself.’ So this is what I have done,” she said.
Nasser said that she was exposed to sexual abuse and domestic violence by her husband. “He used to do bad things to me, and I had no idea as to what a marriage is. I would run from one room to another in order to escape, but in the end he would catch me and beat me and then continued to do what he wanted. I cried so much but no one listened to me. One day I ran away from him and came to the court and talked to them.”
Well, she's a brave and intelligent little girl, but what a society. And we're importing millions from that societry into Europe every year.

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Aug 24, 2008 (UPI via COMTEX) -- An 8-year-old girl is pleading to a Saudi Arabian court for a divorce from a man in his 50s.
The girl was married off to the man without her knowledge, reported the Saudi newspaper al-Watan. The child's father was behind the marriage while her mother is now thought to be pushing for an annulment, the BBC reported Sunday.
Child-protection organizations say Saudi children are sometimes given away in return for large dowries, or as a result of beliefs that marriage to cousins or other known persons will protect young boys or girls from illicit relationships.
Last April, a court in neighboring Yemen annulled the arranged marriage of another 8-year-old girl to a 28-year-old man.